Let’s Hear it for the Beads!

When I found out Mr. Whale was going to leaving me for an entire weekend, I decided I was going to let loose!  And there’s nothing crazier than beer and beads.  No, I’m not going to Mardi Gras in New Orleans.  Not those beads.  I’m talking about the beads you buy at a craft store. Weekends without the fiance are great for crafts, because I can totally trash the apartment for an entire day while I drag out all my crafting stuff, and then I still have a day to try and get everything back in order so he doesn’t know how bad it got.

There are several items that have been on my DIY wishlist.  For this particular weekend, I decided to tackle a necklace.  I’ve been browsing necklaces online for ages.  I don’t think I’m going to wear a necklace to the wedding ceremony, but I think putting one on for the reception would be totally awesome.  I already showed you a few of my inspiration pictures.  I want something colorful, preferably with some turquoise and bright coral in it.  And while those colors are totally in right now, it appears as though everyone wants to pair them with yellow gold.  Whyyyyyy??  I don’t care for yellow gold, and Mr. Whale hates it.  But when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!  If I can’t find the perfect necklace, then I’ll just have to make it myself.  And there’s not much I love more than getting my craft on.

Lucky for me, Michael’s was having a 50% off sale on ALL of their beads on this particular weekend!  I seriously stocked up.  (Seriously. I had so many beads in my baskets that other customers kept asking me for tips on how to make jewelry, what I thought looked best, where I could find other stuff in the store.  I must have looked like a real expert.)  In reality, I’m just lazy.  I knew I could return the beads, but I didn’t want to have to get out of my pajamas on Saturday and make another trip to Michael’s just because I didn’t get enough beads.  So… I totally splurged and spent about $100 on beads.

If you’re going to be making jewelry, there are a few other crucial items you’d want to pick up.  All the stuff I’m showing could be found at any Michael’s or JoAnn Fabrics (or similar store). I’ve already got all that stuff, but you’ll need:

– Wire Cutters

Can be purchased at any Michael’s or JoAnn Fabrics

– Bead Crimper and Crimp Beads (These are absolutely essential.  The crimp bead is how you keep the whole necklace from falling apart.  And you’ll have a disastrous time trying to crimp it without a crimper tool.)

Buy at Michael’s or JoAnn Fabrics.

But at Michael’s or JoAnn Fabrics.

– The highest gauge wire you can find (higher gauge = thinner wire).  I used 26 gauge, because it’s what I had on hand.  If I could find a smaller wire, I’d use it.

– A clasp.  I’ve got a multi-strand necklace, so I was looking for something like this:

Found this one at JoAnn Fabrics.

I’m not going to give you a whole big tutorial.  The main thing you need to know is how to crimp the crimp beads.  If you google that exact phrase (“How to crimp a crimp bead”), there are already tons of people willing to show you how it’s done!

I’m not done with my necklace quite yet.  Oddly enough, I have to buy more beads… Sometimes you don’t know until you get started which ones will be your favorite.  But thank goodness I’ve also got a ton to return, so I think I will have spent about $50-$60 on my necklace when all is said and done.  But what does it look like??  Here’s a close up of my favorite strands so far.

Personal photo.

And here is is with a couple of extra strands that I’m not totally sold on sitting on top.

Personal photo.

What do you think??

Now seems like a good time to craft

Mr. Whale happened to be out of town for an entire weekend recently.  Le sigh… so to pass the time, I decided to work on wedding crafts!!  So far, I’ve done a little more work on my bridesmaids’ hangers.  And I started making a big statement necklace that I’m planning to wear to the reception.  I’m still in the process of designing it, but here are some inspiration pics:

Pinned Image

Get it at a-thread.

I love love love this one except… I want silver not gold.

Love the colors and love that little flower.

Get it at La Posh Style.

So much texture in this one!!  Yum!

I’ve spotted a lot of necklaces that are very nice, but nothing is exactly right.  So I’m making it on my own.  I’ll post some pictures when I’m done!!  (Who knows when that may be if we don’t have power for many days…)

When do you get your wedding crafts done?  When your fiance is gone? Or does he help out?

DIY Hangers in Progress!!

I’m finally getting down to business with my DIY projects!  I started my hangers this weekend, and I’m so pleased.  Here’s how the first round went.

Yes, that’s my shower curtain.  Isn’t it lovely?   So I just bought a pack of 5 hangers at Target for less than $5.  I got some cheap acrylic paint at Michael’s (the kind in the little squeeze bottles).  Then I got to work. The blue hangers have two coats of paint on them, and that seems to be perfect.  I found that the sponge brushes seem to work best for this.

The middle hanger (with the hearts) is my bride hanger 🙂  My plan so far is to paint the background in blue to match the bridesmaids’ hangers, and then I want to outline the hearts in silver.  There will definitely be an update about that, because I have a funny feeling it might be a complete failure…

I also shaped my bridesmaids’ names using wire.  I used 12 gauge aluminum wire from Michael’s.  (Helpful Hint: the smaller the gauge, the thicker the wire.)  I have one HUGE tip here for those of you that haven’t worked with wire before.  You must know that once you bend the wire, you cannot unbend it.  It will forever have a kink in it.  So plan your entire word ahead of time.  It’s not at all hard to bend the wire, even though it looks like it might be.  But, you may want to play around with a scrap piece first before you get down to business.  Here’s how my “Katie” hanger turned out.

Beautiful, right?  I’m pretty jazzed about it.  AND, Mr. Whale is even jazzed!  He said he wants one!  Isn’t that the most hilarious and adorable thing you’ve ever heard??

As I make more progress, I’ll share more updates, but I was so excited about these that I couldn’t wait!

What do you think?  Are you doing special hangers for your big day??

(All photos personal.)

The Dress Hunt Continues… Be Prepared!

I could write about four million posts about shopping for wedding dresses!  It was so much fun!!  But even though it was awesome, I probably could have made the experience a teensy bit better if I had done a few things differently.  But since I’ll never be going wedding dress shopping again, I need to share all the knowledge I gained with someone.  Who better than you guys!

Who should you shop with?

One of the things that made dress shopping so fun for me was that I didn’t take any people who were stressful. If you’ve watched Say Yes to the Dress, you know that there are inevitably those people who make the bride so sad, because they don’t like the dress that she clearly loves.  I always wonder, “Are these people always like this? Why did she bring them?  Did she bring a bunch of people because they all wanted to be on TV?”

I am somewhat particular about my shopping partners.  I’m perfectly happy to shop with another person when they want to look for something.  But when I’m searching for something for me, there are only a few people I feel totally comfortable being with.  My favorite shopping partner is my mom.  She’s incredibly patient, and unless something looks horrible, she’s not going to force her opinion on me.  Plus, she’s hilarious.  We always have a blast together.  Right up there with my mom is her sister, my aunt.  My aunt doesn’t have kids of her own, so she loves to pretend I’m her daughter 🙂  She is also a ton of fun.  Next in line are my bridesmaids.  We all enjoy shopping together, so they definitely make the list of people I’m comfortable shopping with.  So let’s recap. My shopping buddies: Mom, Aunt, Four Bridesmaids.

One of the biggest pieces of advice I could give any bride who is shopping for a dress is to choose your “entourage” carefully.  It’s a super fun time, but there’s still a tiny bit of anxiety that comes along for the ride.  You want people who are patient, easy-going, and have your interests at heart.  If you’ve got a bridesmaid that you think might have a twinge of jealousy, don’t bring her.  If your aunt hates your sense of style, don’t bring her.  In fact, if you want to try on dresses by yourself once, do it!  I did!  Honestly, it wasn’t as much fun as when I had my people with me, but for some girls, going solo might be the best way to do it.

All in all, I visited eight bridal shops on five different trips spread out over four months.  Two trips were only with my mom.  One trip was by myself.  One trip was with my maid of honor.  And one trip was with my mom and aunt.  I never had more than two people with me, and that was perfect.

What do you need?

Dress shopping is not exactly like normal shopping.  Unless you are an experienced marathon shopper (like, you’re a Black Friday ninja), you’ll probably want to do a little extra physical and mental preparation for wedding dress shopping.

First, the physical preparation.  Bring a strapless bra if you have one.  If you don’t have one, anything could happen.  One girl just told me to take off my bra and I spent the entire appointment half naked.  For some of you ladies, that may be fine.  I personally would rather not have been running around all morning showing my girls to a random sales person.  At another appointment, I just tucked my straps in.  Another place gave me a strapless bra (David’s Bridal always does this).  At the end of the day, dresses look better when you’re wearing somewhat appropriate undergarments.  So bring a bra if you’ve got one.

Speaking of undergarments, you may also want to pay attention to your britches, lest you end up like me in this photo:

Not only can you see a line, I’m actually wearing black underwear.  That was stupid of me.  If you’re thinking about getting a form-fitting gown, invest in some Spanx.  And even if you’re not going to get a form-fitting gown, try and wear some nice underwear on the day you go dress shopping.  Remember how your mom always told you to wear clean underwear in case you were in a car accident and someone saw them?  Well, the sales girl is definitely going to see your underwear when you go shopping.  And you don’t want to be worried about it.  So get your laundry done and have some pretty underwear ready to go!

Once you’ve got the right underwear on, it’s time for the rest of you.  You may be inclined to get all gussied up because it’s a big special day.  Fight that urge!  Even if you’re only going to a few stores, the last thing you want to do at the end of trying on wedding dresses is try to squeeze into your skinny jeans and then hobble around trying to get your cute boots back on.  I advise comfort.  You’ll hardly be in the clothes at all!

I also recommend ballet flats (or flip-flops if that’s your thing).  Some stores refused to let me walk around without shoes on (that was a bit weird to be honest, but it can happen).  At other stores, they would only let me try on one or two dresses and then they would let me browse again and find more that I liked.  You may find yourself wanting shoes.  And let me tell you.  Those cute boots do not look so cute when you’re wearing them with a robe.  Plus, they take too long to get back on.  So in short, wear an outfit that is comfy and easy to get on and off.

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If you’ve got to be cute, aim for something like this. Layers in case a shop is too warm or too cold.  Shoes that are easy to get on and off! (Image from Yellow Me Daisy and Polyvore)

Next item of importance: food!  Dress shopping makes you hungry!  Make sure you eat a good healthy meal before you head out the door.  Don’t be worry that it’s going to make you look fat.  Most dresses have so much structure that you will not notice!  (Plus, you’ll have on your Spanx. 🙂 )  You will also be thirsty!  Bring a bottle of water or soda or whatever makes you happy.  And most importantly, plan for a meal break.  You may think, “Oh, I’m not going to be ready for lunch yet at 11:30 because we had breakfast at 9:30.”  Um. Get ready to be starving.  After every dress shopping outing, I was ready to eat a horse.  When my Maid of Honor came to visit, we had a nice dinner all planned out for the end of the day.  But when we ended our shopping at about 3:00, I said, “Let’s get a little snack.”  And we ended up getting a full meal and then getting frozen yogurt.  The dinner reservation was promptly cancelled.  We probably wouldn’t have gorged if we had just planned a little better for lunch in between our appointments 🙂

Must. Eat. Everything. (Image from User Experience Design)

Once you’ve got the physical preparation taken care of, you may also want to do a little mental prep.  Hopefully, you will have a delightful consultant who is nothing but helpful.  But, experience dictates that you will likely have at least one less-than-perfect shopping experience.  Mine comes to mind easily.

Rose declared herself to be, “A nice person who never says anything bad about anyone.”  And she also reminded me that she has been selling wedding dresses for over 15 years, so she is an “expert in what the bride wants.”  And yet, Rose would not let me try on several dresses, because, “They are too heavy for an outdoor wedding.”  Fine.  Maybe she was right.  She also pushed me to buy a sample that I wasn’t in love with.  When I told her that I wasn’t sold on the sample because there was another dress I was pretty sure I loved but that they didn’t have in stock, she asked where I had found this dress.  I informed her, and she responded, “Well, I never say anything bad about anyone, but I have to tell you that ____ Boutique is not a nice place.  They do not run a good business.”  And then something else came up and she said again, “I never say anything bad, but blah blah blah”.  Rose was a bit sketchy.  She made me a bit uncomfortable, which is not how dress shopping should go.

Be prepared to stick to your guns!   Don’t let a consultant or a family member talk you into something you don’t want.  You’re going to be tired.  Your brain will be all fuzzy, and you can’t think straight.  Which is why I end with the following recommendation:

Don’t buy a dress the day you try it on!  Dresses don’t “sell out”.  You order them.  It’s not going to be discontinued in one day.  Go home.  Get a good night’s sleep.  And if, in the morning, you just can’t wait to go to the boutique and order your dress, you made the right choice.  If, on the other hand, you find yourself wanting to look around a little bit more, the dress may not be the right one for you.  But trust me, you’ll find it!

Phew! So many tips! Did I leave anything out?  Does anyone agree or disagree?

My Fashionista Groom

There are so many things you discover about yourself and your significant other when you’re planning a wedding.  Like, it turns out Mr. Whale is a bit of a fashionista (fashionisto?).

At some point early on in wedding planning, I showed him a picture that I really liked (I want some gigantic swirly lollipops).

carnival wedding

Image from Green Wedding Shoes \ Image by Jamie Hammond

Mr. Whale just loved what the groom is wearing. I thought, “Sure, that guy looks pretty dapper.  And I love his tie.  My groom is going to look great.”  Fast forward to now.  We recently discussed what he was going to wear. And he told me he wants a white suit.

Yes, you read that right. White….

Apparently, he remembered the groom wearing a white suite in that picture.  I tried to tell him it’s more of a very pale tan, but he insists (even after looking at the picture again) that he wants to wear white.  While I love my fiance fiercely, all I can picture are those weird guys in high school who show up to prom in white tuxes and think they’re sooooo cool.


Image from Derek Grasman

I know, he’s not going to look like an eleventh grade kid trying to be cool.  But my biggest fear is: what if his suit doesn’t match my dress?  He doesn’t know anything about my dress, and I don’t want to give anything away!  I guess I could try an request a swatch of fabric and then we could match the suit to my dress.  But we don’t have that much money to spend on his suit…

I’m mostly hoping he’ll decide he’d rather just buy a gray or black suit so that he can wear it again some day… But maybe I should be a good fiancee and let him wear what he wants?  Any other brides out there with grooms that wore white?

The Most Important Part of a Wedding is…

the dress!!!  (Okay, in reality, it’s probably the love between the bride and groom. But let’s assume that’s taken care of.)

Shopping for my dress has by far been my favorite part of planning.  As soon as I got engaged, I started a Pinterest board dedicated solely to wedding gowns.  I’ve always said, “I want a skirt so big that no one can stand within three feet of me.”  So… obviously I’m a fan of ball gowns.  Here are the few first dresses that I pinned.

Demetrios B154. I love the poufy skirt!

Demetrios 527. Love the texture of the skirt.

With these dresses in mind, I just so happened to be out shopping with my mom a few days after getting engaged when we drove by a David’s Bridal.  Out of the blue, I said, “Why don’t we stop in and see if I can try on dresses?”  I was pretty sure that I didn’t want to buy a dress at David’s, but I almost felt like I had to go at some point.  They have so many dresses that you can get a pretty good idea of what you like.

Side story: I think the consultants at David’s Bridal are very nice.  Before I got engaged (so far before that I hadn’t even met my fiance yet), I was in a David’s with my mom trying on a bridesmaid dress.  I saw a gorgeous wedding gown, and even though I was clearly not a bride, they let me try it on!  I even got to get up on the pedestal and twirl around.  And my mom cried 🙂  It was awesome.  So, even though I didn’t particularly want a David’s Bridal dress, I didn’t nix them altogether when I went shopping for real.

Back to the present (which is actually the past… whoa).  I told my consultant that I liked ball gowns and skirts with texture.  She brought back several dresses for me to try.  Yay! (I swear, I could try on dresses all day. It’s so much fun.)  The first had a rosette skirt with a beautiful train.

I thought this gown was beautiful.  But… it didn’t move enough for me.  I have this tendency to dance literally anytime there is music playing.  I can’t listen to my iPod while I’m walking to class, because it takes all of my willpower not to be dancing the entire time.  And so, I will be dancing a lot at my wedding.  I want my dress to dance too!  It’s got to move a little 🙂

The next gown had more movement.

But… it’s just not flattering.  I really thought this dress would look good. But, it didn’t do anything for me.  On to the next dress!

I love the drama of this skirt.  But… the bodice isn’t too flattering (yes, it’s too small and yes, you can see my underwear, but even with that fixed… not flattering).  Of course I save my favorite for last 🙂

It’s kind of dangerous to be looking back on these photos.  I forgot how much I loved this dress.  It’s so gorgeous.   The only thing holding me back from getting this dress is that it doesn’t have a sweetheart neckline.  I don’t even know if they could alter this neckline, but if they could… I might have purchased this dress. It’s got movement.  It’s got drama.  It fits me well.  But of course, I was not about to buy a dress at the first place I went.  I needed to try more!!

Though (spoiler alert!) I didn’t buy any of these dresses in the end, I had a great experience at David’s Bridal.  I would definitely recommend them to any bride, even those who want a designer look.  The White by Vera Wang line is incredible.  And now there’s a Melissa Sweet collection that didn’t even exist when I was dress shopping.  You might be surprised by how much you like the David’s dresses.

Did you buy one of the first dresses you tried on?  Or did you want to keep shopping?


I can’t believe I haven’t talked about our budget yet!  That should have been one of the first posts, but I totally forgot about it!

I am a firm believer in the idea that you should get a very solid idea of what your budget is before you start any wedding planning.  I would consider myself to be excellent with money. (I have no debt. I pay off my credit card every month.  I put money in my savings account when I can.)  But no matter how good you are with money, a wedding is probably going to involve more money than you’ve ever spent in your whole life (unless you’ve already bought a house).

Every couple is different when it comes to wedding costs.  These days, a lot of couples are paying for their own wedding.  Fortunately for us, my parents are financially comfortable and offered to give us $10,000 for the wedding (Yipee!). Because my fiance and I are both students, this is an incredible gift for us.  But of course, you’ve probably seen that the average cost  of a wedding nowadays is more than $30,000!!! Yowsa!

I think we’ve all seen this graphic, but in case you haven’t, take a look:

Click on it for the big version to open in a new window. (Sources: www.theknotinc.com, smartmoney.com, money.cnn.com)

I think this is a great graphic for a few reasons.  For one, it lists (almost) all the stuff you might need to pay for.  (For some reason, the officiant isn’t listed, which I completely forgot to budget for when I made my first budget. Most of the ones I looked up charge around $300-$400.)  Another great thing is that you can get an idea of where you can really save money.  It’s still true that every dollar counts, but when I look at this graphic, I can see that eliminating favors only saves you a couple hundred dollars.  But finding a great deal on a venue could save you thousands!

I started my budget by setting an ideal price point for our priorities and deciding where we could save.  This is a great idea, because you’re probably going to spend exactly the amount you allocate towards the things you care about most (meaning, “If you want a fantastic videographer, then if you allocate $3,000 toward this item, you probably won’t settle for a videographer that costs $2,000.)  Said a different way, try to save money on the things you care less about.  I planned for our big money saver to be the venue and the catering. (As long as people get fed, I don’t care if they’re eating McDonald’s hamburgers.)

(Full disclosure: I started the process by looking for a venue, and we almost blew our entire budget on that one thing.  Then we started anew, recognizing that we needed to leave room in the budget for other important things.  This first method was totally not the right way to go about planning.  Don’t do what I did.)

We knew we wanted a band.  I also wanted a good photographer.  Ideally, we wanted to spend about $2,500 on each of these items.  But the infographic is right: bands are expensive.  Our favorite band was $5,000.  Definitely out of budget!  We ended up hiring a band for $3,000.  Because the music is such an important part of the atmosphere, we felt like the extra money was worth it.  We also decided that if we were hiring a band, we would eliminate hired musicians for the ceremony.  (When you’re on a budget, you can’t have it all.)

We also couldn’t find a photographer we loved that was in our budget.  (Actually, we did find one, but she was booked already!!! Aargh!)  The photographer budget was then upped to $3,000.  This is worthy of an entire post, so you’ll have to wait and hear the full story on this one.

So what does the budget look like so far?

Photographer: $3,000

Band: $3,000

Remaining money: dwindling… $4,000

At this point, panic began to set in.  I glanced back at the infographic and saw that reception venue + ceremony venue + catering = $24,000!!!! (WHOA! That’s a lot of money.)  We were hoping to cut that cost by at least 85%.  With an invite list of 150, we weren’t entirely sure if we could make that happen…

Depending on how you’re paying for the wedding, you’ll probably reconsider your budget at least once.   $10,000 is right on the cusp of a “budget wedding”.  I wouldn’t call myself a budget bride because, well, $10,000 is a whole lot of money.  BUT, it doesn’t go that far in the world of wedding planning.  And so, I reconsidered our $10,000 budget. My parents gave us that money, but I do have some of my own… and it was time to think about whether I wanted to spend it.

Ultimately, I decided that I had enough money in savings to put some of it toward the wedding.  But, I didn’t just willy-nilly decide that I’d pay for some stuff.  I decided that we would plan the essentials of the wedding in under $10,000 and if I wanted some extra bonuses, I could spend my money on that.

Obviously, the essentials included our ceremony and reception venue.  This ended up taking up the entirety of our $4,000, but we managed to find one that includes all this:

  • outdoor ceremony venue (with chairs and set-up)
  • reception venues with tables, chairs, and linens
  • catering (and all the plates and utensils and stuff that goes with it)
  • bartender for our open bar (but we provide the alcohol)
  • clean-up

Yay!! Now of course there are a few other things that we have to do (invitations, some decorations), but we’re just going to do those as cheaply as possible.

How did you come up with a budget?  Are you sticking to it or do you have a little flexibility?

I want candy!

Somebody asked me what my wedding theme was the other day.  After first giving the inquirer a totally blank and confused look, she gave me a little assistance by saying that her daughter’s wedding theme was “rustic but elegant”.  I was still so confused, because I didn’t know I needed a theme (other than, “Hey, it’s a wedding.”), but I eventually suggested that my theme might be, “Candy”.  Needless to say, I don’t think that’s what she was expecting me to say.

i_love_ comments, i_love_ graphics

I seriously love candy.  Like, my absolute worst nightmare would be getting diagnosed with diabetes.  To me, a meal is not complete unless it ends with sugar.

In addition to candy, I also love bright colors. And candy tends to come in bright colors.  So, it kind of just makes sense for my wedding to be filled with candy.

I know that most girls envision a very elegant wedding day, but I want my wedding to be fun!  (I’m not saying elegant brides can’t have fun.  I’ve had quite a rambunctious good time at some nicer events.  But I don’t want there to be any question about whether people are allowed to let loose and have a good time.)

Before anyone says, “But your wedding should be about love!”, yes, I agree.  But love is fun.  And our ceremony will be serious, I promise you.  And I know I’ll cry.  But my tears will fall upon my sparkly colorful bouquet.

Speaking of bouquets and of candy, have you all seen this?

Image from Girly Wedding \ Image by Modern Life Studios

It would fit so perfectly with my theme!  And think of the possibilities for the centerpieces!

Fabulous, right??  Even though I’ve received some pretty strange looks from people when I tell them I’m decorating with candy, I’m so pumped about it.  I can’t wait to put a few centerpieces together and see how it looks!

Do you have a “theme” for your wedding?  Is it unusual or did you choose to go with something more classic and traditional?

Saying “No” to a First Look

These days, it seems like everyone is doing a first look.  Everybody wants to get a million photos, so they do the first look thing and then have all the photos done before the ceremony.  I totally get it.  I want to have a million photos too.  And I don’t want to spend hours between the ceremony and reception taking them.  BUT, neither my fiance nor I want to do a first look.  Why?

For one, we want the moment when I walk down the aisle to be extra special.  I know, I know, everyone says it’s still super magical even if you have done a first look.  Sorry.  I don’t believe you 🙂

Second, I’m going to go out on a limb here and admit that I just don’t really like the photos that come out of those sessions.  The girl taps the guy on the shoulder.  He turns around, does the sort-of surprised face.  They have an awkward hug (Has another actually hugged their significant other like that before?  Why do they always look so weird?).  And then they kiss and the rest of the photo shoot commences.  (I am purposefully not posting any pictures here, because that would just be rude.  There will be no dissing of any specific wedding photos.)

Really, reason numbers one and two should probably be enough for anyone to understand why we’re not doing a first look.  But in the spirit of full disclosure, I have to tell you about the third reason.  I know I’m going to be nervous on my wedding day.  I know Mr. Whale will also be nervous.  And when I get nervous, I start talking about all kinds of random things, especially the things that I’m worried about.

Except I’m not all cute like she is.  (Image from Never a Dull Moment with Missy)

And when he gets nervous, he doesn’t know how to handle my nervousness.  I might end up telling him about how I’m not entirely sure how our food is going to taste, because I once read a review that said it wasn’t good.  And then he’ll say, “Why didn’t you tell me that?? Now our reception will be ruined!”  Or I might say, “Do you like my dress? I almost bought this other one, but then I really liked this one.  But I wonder if you would have like the other one.”  And then he’d say, “That other dress sounds amazing. Why didn’t you buy it? You should have bought it!”

Seriously. Those responses are not an over-exaggeration.  When he gets nervous, he plummets head-first off the slippery slope into a sea of impending doom if anything seems like it might go wrong.

So that is how I envision our first look going, which really doesn’t sound like the perfect romantic encounter, does it?  No, I didn’t think so either.

Somehow, I almost got convinced early on in planning that I might want to do a first look when I thought about how we could take soooo many pictures before the ceremony.  But Mr. Whale got me back on track when he said there was no way he was going to see me before the ceremony.  That basically settled it 🙂

The strangest part about not doing the first look is feeling like we’re bucking the trend.  I thought that not having a first look was supposed to be more traditional, but these days, people think you’re crazy if you don’t do one.

Any other brides breaking this new tradition by staying traditional and not having a first look?  Why did you decide one way or the other?

My Gorgeous Gals

As I mentioned before, I am forgoing a bridesmaids dress that exemplifies my own style and my wedding theme in favor of dresses that work for my bridesmaids.  All of my girls have their own fabulous sense of style, and more importantly, most have a style very different from me. They are also all different from each other.  Bridesmaid KT has a very feminine and romantic style.  L is very classic and favors neutral colors. KJ is also very classic, but she favors occasional bold colors.    And R is the closest style to me; she’s trendy and modern (but not too crazy).

So what’s a girl to do?  I decided almost immediately that the girls would be mis-matched.  For one, it kind of creeps me out when I see a bunch of girls wearing the exact same dress.  It’s like they are decorations instead of people.  Also, didn’t we spend all of middle school getting upset with each other when someone wore the same thing as you (gasp!)?

Harnessing the power of Google (and Pinterest, of course), I started browsing the internet for photos of mis-matched maids.  One of my first favorite looks was maids either in black or grey with pops of color.

Image from Southbound Bride \ Image by Meg Perotti

But this just doesn’t feel… right.  I want people to know who the bridesmaids are, and some guests might wear black. Plus, it feels too dark for an outdoor wedding (to me).

The next look that caught my eye features each girl in a different color dress.

I love this look.  It’s very “me” without the girls looking like they’re wearing my clothes.  But… I only have four bridesmaids.  They would each need a different color.  I’d like to repeat a color, but there’s not really room for that.  And what if two girls want to wear the same color?  What if one girls dress isn’t bright enough or fancy enough?  How do I decide all these things?  (Is your head spinning? Mine is.)  This option seems like one of those things that, in the photos, appears effortless, but would actually be a lot of hard work to make it look right.  Another look gets the ax.

Fortunately, Pinterest has so many bridesmaid inspirations that I could probably spend a year looking at them all.  I was bound to find something.   I ultimately decided to go down what I think is the path of least resistance.  (This is a great path to take when you’re planning your wedding.  I would direct any bride down this road.)  I’m giving my bridesmaid a general color direction (some shade of bright watermelon pink), but it’s up to them to choose their own dress.  These girls are my inspiration.  I’ve probably looked at this picture fifty times.

Image from Belle the Magazine \  Image by Paper Antler

Of course there are problems with this look, too.  What if the colors clash?  What if someone chooses something I don’t like?  But really, my bridesmaids have been dressing themselves for nearly three decades.  They have jobs and generally look fairly pulled together (and often look spectacular!).  I think they can handle buying a bridesmaid dress.  While it could go wrong, I’m completely not stressed about my bridesmaids.  I’m actually pretty excited to see how it all turns out.  I think they’re going to be gorgeous!

How did you decide your bridesmaids look?  Do they have any say in which dress they wear, or are you choosing?